Spring Valley School District
Enumeration of Youth

As of May 1, 1910
Student Name Age M/F
Rodney Beller 6 M
Brigham Brown 9 M
Lottie Brown 11 F
Dicey Buckner(?) 15 M
Harrison Buckner(?) 15 M
John Buckner(?) 9 M
Ethel Harris 6 F
Vilo Merrell 6 M
Georgia Paxton 14 F
Lola Paxton 9 F
Mamie Paxton 16 M
Ray Reeder 12 M
Elmer Schleppy 12 M
Frank Schleppy 15 M
Pearl Schleppy 17 F
Cora Shilling 8 F
Fern Shilling 10 F
Goldie Shilling 14 F
Hazel Shilling 12 F
Francis Shuey 14 F
Jenning Shuey 8 M
Lyda Shuey 14 F
Mamie Shuey 10 F
Mabel Stark 14 F
Tom Wallace 6 M
Velma Wallace 11 F
Willie Wallace 9 M
Murray Warriner 14 M
Cory Weaver 18 F
James Weaver 16 M
Minnie Weaver 16 F
Lillie Weaver 11 F
Agnus Wilson 6 F
Bertha Wilson 19 F
John Wilson 18 M
Neal Wilson 10 M
Paris Wilson 16 M
Willie Wilson 14 F

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Posted October 20, 1997