Hutchison Cemetery,Buffalo Creek, Buffalo Twp, Newton County,MO
Photos and info Submitted by: Lou Nell Hutchison Bath
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Old Hwy 71 to AA
West on AA as far as you can go (leave the blacktop)
At the "T", turn right about 1/4 mile
Cemetery is on the left just before the Buffalo Creek Bridge
"Hutchison Cemetery" sign on a metal gate
Property of Newton County
A tornado Easter, 2001, downed trees; almost impassable
Location: Twp 24 Rge 33 Sec 28
Canvassed: October 1972 by Larry A James
CRUSE, Solomon Oct 12, 1837-1906
GREEN, Laura E. Dec 27, 1877-Aug 1, 1879
HUTCHISON, George L May 30, 1902-Ap 23, 1903
Joseph B Dec 21, 1885-Mar 7, 1908 son of Peter F. and Mary Hutchison
Joseph F Jan 8, 1842-Ap 25, 1912
Joseph F Ap 22, 1892-Feb 2, 1918
Lieut L. B. Co G 1st Missouri Infantry
Martha A May 2, 1822-June 1, 1885
Mary Feb 6, 1837-Mar 24, 1913
Mary E Feb 7, 1871-Aug 17, 1873
Mollie May 22, 1904-May 30, 1904
Nancy J Feb 1, 1872-Aug 17, 1873
Peter F May 10, 1835-Sept 30, 1887
Sarah A Jan 26, 1807-Jan 14, 1874
Wm McKinley Jan 21, 1895-July 28, 1895